The Alexander Technique

In young children we frequently see an alertness and poise that allows them to sit, stand and move gracefully and without strain.

Rarely however, do we see that same poise continuing into adult life. Most of us have developed mental and physical habits which interfere with our natural coordination and functioning. We have become disconnected and find ourselves reacting automatically in ways which are frequently harmful to our well-being and reduce our effectiveness in whatever we do.

The results of this misuse may be experienced as specific symptoms including headaches, backache, stiff neck and shoulders, or more generally as a lack of poise, lack of vitality, reactivity and a sense of being 'out of touch' with ourself and others.

When I work with someone, I am not working directly with their symptoms. Rather, I'm encouraging the person to discover for themselves, how their approach to tasks and general response to life, can be so much easier.

At first this may feel unfamiliar. It is! But in a relatively short time, this becomes established as a new and more satisfying way of being.

What is the Alexander Technique?

Muscians, performers and sports people often turn to the Alexander Technique as the way in which they use their main instrument, that is the body, directly effects the quality of the performance.

F M Alexander started out as an actor and developed the technique as a response to difficulties when performing. It is now taught in many countries and establishments including the Royal Academies of Drama and Music in London and the Julliard School of Music in New York.

Holding ourselves when working, walking or perhaps playing an instrument puts a downward pressure on the neck and spine. This leads to discomfort and pain.

Remaining free while in activity stops the pain before it starts. Far better to change how were doing something than dealing with the symptoms later.

Randomised controlled trial of the Alexander Technique demonstrating it's effectiveness.


Back Pain

bmj Back Pain Trial